Simple tips of hair care

hair care
hair care
Hair is a very prominent part in the appearance. No wonder if women or men willing to spend a lot of money to hair care.

In fact, to treat the hair does not always need a lot of money. According to Doctor Miriam Stoppard in his book "Family Health Guide", a simple habit of washing and gives hair conditioner once every two days, combined with a healthy diet and balanced to ensure the crown stays healthy.

"The problem of hair can usually be avoided by adhering to some simple rules about hair styling and hair coloring products," says Stoppard.

Here's simple tips of hair care from Doctor Stoppard that must be done:

shampooing with dandruff shampoo
shampooing with dandruff shampoo

- Do not rub your scalp with your fingertips when shampooing, hair can be detached from fortikel that are wet and soft.

- Do not jerk or pull your hair when wet step aside, the hair can be uprooted or broken. Use a wide-toothed comb or brush.

- Do not use a drug used to treat dandruff shampoo, unless your doctor has instructed.

scalp hair
scalp hair

- Do not use anti-dandruff shampoo more than once every two weeks, for a shampoo that contains chemicals. For example, selenium which can irritate the scalp and aggravate dandruff.

- Do not comb or brush your hair too often, because it can irritate the scalp and oil glands are stimulated to produce more oil so that the hair sticky and not shiny.

Try these simple tips of hair care in your life.